Tuesday 29 September 2009

How to fail in your Portfolio

There are lots of ways to pass or to fail in your portfolio, so you need to do the following clever idea to fail:-

Don’t organized your writing, and keep the spelling wrong all the time so the reading will not understand. Don’t put your papers in well organized and keep them messy all the time. Change the writing font and color which makes the reader feels dizzy. Draw some crazy rats and bugs in your paper files.

Add some pictures to your papers in wrong order. Hand out your work late and don’t worry about the result. Above that, spill some olive oil in your papers so they will smell nasty when the teacher touch them. Don’t write your name and ID in your portfolio. In addition, keep writing in different language so your teacher wouldn’t understand.

Finally, don’t write your name in your own portfolio, also sign all over the paper with fancy colors.

Al Hajj

Al Hajj

Al hajj is one of the basic of Islamic rules, which all Muslim has to do once on their lives. Muslims performance al hajj on Islamic “Hijri “calendar (Thu Al Hejah).

It is started with preparing the special cloths for the special occasion which called “Eihram“, that is white dress to wear in this holly time. On the 8th of the Al Hejah Muslims should stay at “Mina“for a night and next day after Al Fajer pray they all move direct to “Arafa” mountain. The devout people praying a lot and ask forgivness and mercy from Allah. Before the sun sit all Muslims move in groups to “Mozdalfa” and stay for a night.

On the 10th of Thu Al Hejahday as the first day of Eid, however, they go back to “Minea” to throw stones pillar on devil (7 stones) with some religious words. Next they move toward Macca to walk around “Kaaba” as anticlockwise for 7 full rounds. After that Muslims jogging for 7 rounds. Then they cut hair and clip nails to clean up everything. Also they slaughter “Al Othia” for Allah.

Finally, they go back to Minea for throwing Al Jimar, second and third time to end Al hajj occasion so by that Muslims completed hajj performance.