Monday 21 December 2009

Reflective Essay

English course was one of interesting course I have this semester in ADMC. I have learnt many things and met new friends. Also I have learnt how to write many essays with different ways. Moreover, different types of writing have affected my writing skills. These kinds are procedures, narration, process and comparison/contrast. Besides that, blogger have also helped me to write my essay and also view my friends as well so I can see different point of you from different student.

First of all, I have learnt from different style how to write correct essay. I think my best writing was comparison and contrast. I like to put different ideas among my writing. However, advantage and disadvantage made my ideas clear for readers. i can also add that papers and explaining by my teacher in class also helped me to improve my writing.

Although there many challenges in this course I can say that mine was how to improve my writing skills. Also I have learnt how to learn to add more vocabulary among my writing. I have learned how to link long sentence together and make it reasonable for readers. I need to work on my process more. Also I need to work on my grammar so I can use it on my essay. I have asked my teacher for assist through it. I know my grammar is improving, but I have learnt how to use it more in my class.
To sum up, I think I have to give more attention to my English class. I have to spend more time to learn new words. I have to learn how to read article so I can pick some words and keep my English academic improving. Also I have to use these sentence or words and use it for my writing exams.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Brazilian And UAE Footballer

Football is the most interesting and well-known sport in world. Also lots of people here in UAE practice, watch and play it. I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and difference between watching Brazilian football and UAE football.

There are some of distinct similarities between the two. The first similarity is they both are sport game. There are required skills and talent when they play in field. Brazilian player are most skillful in this game. Above that, you need to do lots of training to be in shape so you can play very well. Professional player gets lot of money as it is there life job. However, it is enjoyable sport which needs from you, good health, strength and wellness. Also football can make history for some player and popular as well. Nevertheless, football made countries become more friendly with each other.

Although there are a number of similarities and there several of differences between Brazilian football players and UAE football players. The first difference is that you enjoy of Brazilian skill in game where that hard to see in UAE players. In contract, Brazilian players are most wanted in this game more than UAE players. Generally they made you see the beauty of football which UAE players do not have. Besides that, Brazilian players play all over the world which makes them very famous, but UAE players only play in UAE league. Most important point is, Brazilian players treated football as professional game which UAE players are not doing the same.

I have to admit it as I used to be football player in UAE league that, UAE player are lazy in this game. However, not all the same as young age made different in UAE football these days. We still need time to be like Brazilian football player to play in world cup and win it.

Abu Dhabi And Dubai

Abu Dhabi and Dubai is most of bigger cities in UAE. Different nationalities are living in this both cities peacefully. I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
There are some distinct similarities between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The both cities have their own atmosphere and variety of choices. There is huge number of foreigners living in both cities. Despite that, they are living in same rule with no racism. Both cities have massive malls and shopping centers. Old town and golden souk also held in both of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. However, considering living in these two cities will give you chance to find jobs easily. Abu Dhabi and Dubai have their own attraction and tourist ways.

Although there are number of similarities there are several differences between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. General information, Abu Dhabi is the capital of UAE and Dubai is the business city. Abu Dhabi is much more calm city where is Dubai is noisy all the time. Nevertheless, Abu Dhabi is cleaner then Dubai. Also it is peaceful city rather than Dubai. Besides that, embassy and royal families living in Abu Dhabi compare to Dubai. In contrast, local families and Arab nationalities live in Abu Dhabi more than Dubai. In fact if we look at UAE map we could see the different area size between the two cities.

Through my points, I can sum up with idea that living in Abu Dhabi is much better living in Dubai. Personally, I think Abu Dhabi and Dubai have their own atmosphere, but I like living in the capital.

Friday 13 November 2009

Blood Donation

It is very important in this life to help other people in different ways. One of the most important kindnesses is to donate blood for people who are looking for it. The hospital and health care's center always looking for blood donation. There few steps to do that.

First, simple blood donator has been taking by. They want to make sure that your blood is good enough for them. Also they want to put the blood in refrigerated. Needle uses for donator arm after they cuff them. Then they insert the needle in his arm slowly. They make sure they take specific amount of blood.

Taking out the needle slowly after used from the arm. They give some juice or food for the donator. While they doing that make sure the donator get some rest. Also they check his blood pressure to make sure he is feeling fine. Finally they take all his details so they can contact him.
In my opinion, people who are donate periodically. They are doing very good job for the poor and who are needed. Generally giving blood one of the most generous things that donator can do for patient.

Canning Fish

Lots of people like to be eating fish canned. They are more knees to go fishing and hunt from there. On the other side some people who works so much cannot. They claim that work stress made them to eat canned fish. Now I will explain the idea how canning fish works

First, I hunt the fish and deliver it for shops. They take sort it as useful way. They clean it and make it looks nice. Then they wash it so they can make sure no dirt still stick inside it. They add some salt on it so that prevent the growth of micro-organism. They leave it for a while and wish it again.

After that they put fish in cans and add some liquid which is mixture of oil and preservation. Next leave the liquid to sterilizing inside the cans. Finally store the cans so you can sale them in shops.

I think it is the best way to eat fish is fresh. Lots of these cans got even dirt in it or germs in them. Other point which people are afraid of is to be that cans toxic.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Ramadan Story

Ramadan is one month in year for Muslim's. It required from all too fast 30 days from sun rise until sunset. Also help poor and people who need special attention.

To begin with I was sitting with my family preparing to break fasting. All sudden, my best friend called me asking me for help. He said that he stuck middle in desert with broken car. I took my tools so I can fix his car. He was standing in middle of Al Ain highway.

I reached at him and he looked exhausted. His car was a bit far in desert. He walked all away from middle of desert seeking for help. He told me that he was trying new tires. He wanted to make sure they work prop in desert. I took my tools and we started to dig around his tires. Also I loosed his car tires so I can pull his car out. Day was really hot and sticky, so I started to sweat. I pulled his car out in flat area so he can drive from there.

When I finished, I invited him to my house to eat something.Finally, I felt really happy that I help my close friend in his misery day.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

How to fail in your Portfolio

There are lots of ways to pass or to fail in your portfolio, so you need to do the following clever idea to fail:-

Don’t organized your writing, and keep the spelling wrong all the time so the reading will not understand. Don’t put your papers in well organized and keep them messy all the time. Change the writing font and color which makes the reader feels dizzy. Draw some crazy rats and bugs in your paper files.

Add some pictures to your papers in wrong order. Hand out your work late and don’t worry about the result. Above that, spill some olive oil in your papers so they will smell nasty when the teacher touch them. Don’t write your name and ID in your portfolio. In addition, keep writing in different language so your teacher wouldn’t understand.

Finally, don’t write your name in your own portfolio, also sign all over the paper with fancy colors.

Al Hajj

Al Hajj

Al hajj is one of the basic of Islamic rules, which all Muslim has to do once on their lives. Muslims performance al hajj on Islamic “Hijri “calendar (Thu Al Hejah).

It is started with preparing the special cloths for the special occasion which called “Eihram“, that is white dress to wear in this holly time. On the 8th of the Al Hejah Muslims should stay at “Mina“for a night and next day after Al Fajer pray they all move direct to “Arafa” mountain. The devout people praying a lot and ask forgivness and mercy from Allah. Before the sun sit all Muslims move in groups to “Mozdalfa” and stay for a night.

On the 10th of Thu Al Hejahday as the first day of Eid, however, they go back to “Minea” to throw stones pillar on devil (7 stones) with some religious words. Next they move toward Macca to walk around “Kaaba” as anticlockwise for 7 full rounds. After that Muslims jogging for 7 rounds. Then they cut hair and clip nails to clean up everything. Also they slaughter “Al Othia” for Allah.

Finally, they go back to Minea for throwing Al Jimar, second and third time to end Al hajj occasion so by that Muslims completed hajj performance.